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The Enigma of Heart Meridian: On ''Only Heart Meridian does not have Acupuncture Point''
作者 鄭宛鈞楊仕哲
「手少陰脈獨無腧」出自《靈樞‧邪客》篇,該篇提到因為心為五 臟六腑之大主,故諸邪之侵犯心者,都是傷在心包絡,而一般治療心 病都取手厥陰心包經的穴位,是以「手少陰脈獨無腧」。對於「手少陰 脈獨無腧」這個議題,歷代醫家、學者著重在「少陰之脈獨無腧」而 以手厥陰之腧代替,並且以心包代心受邪的角度來看待此概念。 至於「手少陰脈獨無腧」的「腧」字所指涉的是針灸的腧穴還是 五輸穴,由於輸、俞、腧三字通假的情形在醫經中不可謂少見,因此 「腧」字在這裡的意義亦未成為研究者討論的重點。本文嘗試交互討論 出土文物和傳世醫籍,藉此分析「手少陰脈獨無腧」的概念以及心經 的穴道、徑路之謎。研究後發現,「手少陰脈獨無腧」的意思很有可能 表示唯獨手少陰脈不具備完整的五輸穴。
The verse, ''only heart meridian does not have acupuncture point'', was recorded in the chapter of External Evil Qi of the canon of Lingshu (Miraculous Pivot). It mentioned that the heart is like the king among the visceral organs. When the external evil qi attacks the heart, the pericardium is hurt instead. Thus, the acupuncture points of pericardium meridian is used to treat heart diseases for treatment. As for the explanation of this verse, most renounced doctors and scholar stress on the concept that the pericardium would take the place of heart when evil attacks occur as the guards protecting the king. Concerning the ''acupuncture point'' in the verse, whether it meant the general acupuncture points or five transport points is a matter worthy of discussion. The phenomenon of phonetic loan character is quite common in ancient Chinese medical texts. This study analyzed the unearthed cultural relics, ancient medical cannons, and ancient medical texts to solve the hidden meaning of the verse and the enigma of the acupuncture points and path of the heart meridian. In conclusion, we found that the verse, ''only heart meridian does not have acupuncture point'', most likely meant the heart meridian does not contain a complete set of five transport points.
起訖頁 83-123
關鍵詞 手少陰脈手厥陰脈心包代心受邪神門Hand Shao-Yin Meridian Hand Jue-Yin Meridian Pericardium Hurt by Evil Instead of Eart Shenmen
刊名 思與言  
期數 202009 (58:3期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 歸葬娘家:明清時期東莞懷德鄧族與女性祖先的祭祀──以「姑嫂墳」傳說為例
該期刊-下一篇 論嘉靖本《三國志通俗演義》對讀者頓失劉、關、張之「療癒」




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