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The Dimensions of Height, Depth and Width in the Contemporary Global Strategic Studies
作者 巨克毅
The process and development of strategic studies are turning from traditional facet to global perspective in the age of globalization. Given the promotion of human security, we have to establish ideas of global consciousness and re-examine the main contents of global strategic studies. To make sense of prospective point of view, this paper attempts to explore the contents of global strategic studies from the dimensions of height, depth and width. First, the research dimension of height emphasizes the studies of global information technology, space satellite and space policy. Second, the research dimension of depth focuses on the global paradox of integration/fragmentation, dual development of cooperation/confrontation, controversy thinking of universalism/relativism, and the new approaches which include critical security studies and Copenhagen school. Finally, the dimension of width concerns the three research approaches in international relations studies, including realism, liberalism and constructionism, integrating them to analyze contemporary international situation. Through these three dimensions, it hopes to provide a new way to contemplate world peace and human security.
起訖頁 1-25
關鍵詞 全球戰略研究太空戰略超越戰略建構戰略整合性戰略研究global strategic studiesspace strategyhyper-strategyconstructionist strategyintegrated strategic studies
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200610 (16期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-下一篇 美國未來霸權地位演變趨勢之分析:週期理論觀點




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