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Analyze Military Exercise of The People's Republic of China in the viewpoint of Strategic Culture
作者 王崑義蔡裕明
This article deals with the forming and change of the PRC's strategic culture through surveying the skeleton of strategic culture, and evaluates the military exercises of the PRC in order to help readers to understand its methods and principles of fighting. In this article the authors use several points for constructing the PRC's strategic culture which include several essential factors of thinking: the worldview of leaders, the war view of leaders and geostrategy view of leaders. These three basic strategic ways of thinking always guide the scenarios of the strategic culture, and also directly affect the strategic planning of the PRC. With the changes in the international environment, the military exercises of the People's Liberation Army have three modes of proceeding: military exercises in the mode of unilateral principle, military exercises in the mode of bilateral principle and in the mode of multilateral principle. The end of this article reveals that the PRC is changing its military exercises into different modes, trying to use joint maneuvers to achieve the function of military diplomacy and the goal of ''a peaceful development''. However, the world view, war view and geostrategy view of the PRC' s strategic culture always have the subjective consciousness of expansion hidden behind. Even if the PRC wants the world to believe that by holding the military exercises it seeks the peace, the world might see it just as a slogan of Chinese leaders, not as accepted international practice.
起訖頁 73-123
關鍵詞 戰略文化軍事演習聯合軍演和平發展strategic culturemilitary exercisejoint maneuverpeaceful development
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200607 (15期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 廿一世紀中共與拉美關係在亞太戰略環境中的意涵




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