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The Evaluation and Prospect of Taiwan's Human Rights Diplomatic Policy
作者 蔡昌言黃筱晴
人權是民主政治的重要指標之一,在美國國務院及自由之家(Freedom House)每年所公布的人權報告書中,台灣在政治權利與公民自由等指標評價亦逐年上升。在評估人權外交政策的實施成效上,可以兩項指標予以衡量:(1)以人權為目的之國家正副元首外交出訪成果;與(2)國際人權事務之參與成果。整體而言,我國自2000年推行人權外交政策以來,雖然元首出訪的次數及頻率有大幅度的增加,但是在增加邦交國數量,以及拓展外交活動參與空間等傳統外交場域著重的重點工作上,成效並不顯著,甚至可以說沒有太多實際效用可言。但是在增進對外國家形象與對內政府施政成效等的非傳統的外交場域上,其所獲得的助益是存在的,因此民進黨政府目前應該會繼續以人權、民主、和平、愛心、高科技理念等柔性國力,輔以經濟、國防硬權力的加強,進而為我國外交拓展出更大的實際活動空間。
Human right is one important indicator of democracy. The annual reports on human rights, released by the State Department and Freedom House, also show that Taiwanese government makes steady progress in improving people's political right and freedom. In assessing how successful this policy is, two measurements are used: (1) under the premise of promoting human rights, the achievements of diplomatic trips made by the President and the Vice President; (2) the involvement of internal human right affairs. In sum, although this human rights diplomatic policy does help ROC governors make more foreign visits, it has little impact on increasing international allies and expanding diplomatic domains. However, the benefits extend to promoting Taiwan's international image as well as to the effectiveness of the incumbent government. Therefore, it is expected that DPP government will remain to have human rights, democracy, peace, love and high-tech as her governing principles, assisted with the improvement of her economic and national defense power, to find practical and greater room for Taiwan's diplomacy.
起訖頁 11-142
關鍵詞 人權外交政策複合互賴理論外交旅行human rightsdiplomatic policycomplex interdependence theorydiplomatic trip
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200507 (11期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 歐盟東擴及其對波蘭衝擊:政治經濟面向之分析
該期刊-下一篇 歐洲憲法與歐洲聯盟會員國投票表決程序之探討




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