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Scenarios for PRC's Invasion and Taiwan's Countermeasures
作者 劉廣華
In the short term, the military status across the Taiwan Strait is relatively stable due to such factors as PRC's less aggressive attitude toward ROC for the time being, PRC's growing economic strength, and improved relations between the US and PRC. In the long term, the situation might be less stable owing to the fact that military imbalances in the Taiwan Strait might appear in the near future, Independence movement might gain momentums, and PRC might face internal political and economic problems. As for the military powers on both sides of the Strait, it is generally agreed that the ROC will maintain air and sea superiority until at least 2005. As a matter of fact, PLA's military strategy has been greatly transformed based on the lessons learned from the two Gulf Wars. As a result, high-tech precision guided munitions, information warfare, and psychological intimidation have become the greatest threats against ROC national security. In response to these nontraditional measures, the ROC should strengthen the people's will to fight, formulate concrete measures for the preservation of combat power, and build up anti-information warfare and anti-precision attack capabilities.
起訖頁 75-96
關鍵詞 中共犯台中共軍力飛彈威脅奇襲癱瘓斬首PRC invasionPLA military powermissile threatsurprise attackparalyzingdecapitation
刊名 全球政治評論  
期數 200404 (6期)
出版單位 國立中興大學國際政治研究所
該期刊-上一篇 兩岸關係的突破:從風險、信任到和解
該期刊-下一篇 全球公民投票制度之探討




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