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Aesthetic Reason for Sport
作者 蔡宗儒石明宗
本文以康德 (Kant) 美學為概念探究運動的審美理由,論述的步驟分 為三階段,首先是按照 A. H. Lesser 在 “Aesthetic Reason for Acting” 一文 中將理由所做的三分,將運動的理由分為慾望理由、規範理由與審美理由, 並且說明本文要探究的對象是運動的審美理由。接著,根據康德美學中對 審美的第一環節與第三環節來說明審美理由的內涵,指出審美理由「無私 趣」與「無目的」的特質。最後,在理解審美理由的特質後,探討審美理 由提供運動的意義。本文的論點是,運動審美理由的無私趣與無目的兩個 環節,提供了一種非功利性的價值觀點,使運動的人們不致於陷入功利主 義與虛無主義的困境中;並且從中開顯出一種自由的概念,那是運動最珍 貴的價值所在。
This paper discusses the aesthetic reason for sport by way of Kant's aesthetics. The discourse includes three steps. In the first step, it divides reason, according to Lesser, into three kinds, which are reason of desire, reason of obligation and aesthetic reason. Secondly, based on the first and third moments of the feeling of the beautiful in Kant's aesthetics, it argues that the characteristics of aesthetic reason are interestlessness and purposelessness. At last, it tries to argue that aesthetic reason is for sport the better reason than the other reasons. The aesthetic reason, because of its interestlessness and purposelessness, provides for sport a non-utilitarian point. This manifests the concept of freedom, which is the most precious for sport.
起訖頁 33-61
關鍵詞 運動審美理由康德美學sport aesthetic reason Kant aesthetics
刊名 運動文化研究  
期數 201803 (32期)
出版單位 國立清華大學當代中國研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 中國女子體操學校的創設與發展(1908-1937)
該期刊-下一篇 現代日本社會中的肚皮舞的性化──以平面媒體為中心




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