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The Effect of Conforming Behavior on Behavioral Intention: An Empirical Study of Mobile Applications with Augment Reality
作者 林士平王仁聖阮紅玉孫薇捷
Recently, many mobile applications with augmented reality are emerging and launching. When facing various choices. Consumers usually turns to search answers on the Internet. However, it is easier to be affected by online information. A phenomenon called conforming behavior happens when people refer to others' opinion and imitate their actions during making a decision. With the intense competition in the mobile application market and the rising of augmented reality, it is important and worthy to examine the consumer behavior for APP marketers and developers. This study aims to find out the variables affected conforming behavior on the intention of downloading mobile applications with AR features. This study constructed a research model with three variables: online reviews, social media activities, and non-commercial recommendations, to explain conforming behavior and identify the antecedents of the intention of downloading mobile APPs from the perspective of consumers. The proposed model empirically evaluate an online survey of 362 questionnaires and use structural equation modeling (SEM) to reach the research goal. The results indicate that online reviews, non-commercial recommendations, and social media activities have a positive effect on consumers' attitude. Further, non-commercial recommendations and social media activities could affect perceived value positively as well. However, the findings imply that conforming behavior does not have a significant influence on behavioral intention in AR APPs downloads. This study finally concludes suggestions and implications for AR APPs marketing strategies.
隨著擴增實境(Augment Reality,AR)的發展,越來越多具有AR技術的手機應用程式可供消費者選擇,在面臨眾多選擇的狀況下,消費者通常會經由網路搜尋額外資訊解答對產品的疑慮,但網路上琳瑯滿目的資訊常常讓人們目不暇給且無從分辨,此時消費者傾向藉由參考他人的意見並模仿旁人的行為來做最終決定,即理論上之「從眾行為(Conforming Behavior)」。本研究目的即在探討從眾行為對於具有AR技術手機應用程式下載意願的影響。本研究架構提出三項可被從眾行為解釋之類別:「線上評論(Online Reviews)」、「社群媒體活動(Social Media Activities)」、「非業務配合的推薦(Non-Commercial Recommendations)」,從消費者的角度藉由消費者態度與知覺價值來探討從眾行為影響下載手機應用程式意願的效果,基於理論並提出假設。期望在AR手機應用程式蓬勃發展的未來,讓行銷業者與開發商進一步了解消費者之行為意圖。本研究由網路調查取得362份有效問卷並利用結構方程模式進行數據分析與驗證。研究結果指出,「線上評論」、「社群媒體活動」、「非業務配合的推薦」皆可對消費者態度產生正向影響,其中「社群媒體活動」與「非業務配合的推薦」也對知覺價值產生正面影響。然而,分析結果顯示「從眾行為」對於具有AR技術手機應用程式下載意願之影響顯著性不高。本研究最後針對數據進行詮釋及建議手機應用程式行銷端的策略,並總結本研究之貢獻與未來建議。
起訖頁 77-116
關鍵詞 從眾行為擴增實境行為意圖手機應用程式conforming behavioraugmented realitybehavioral intentionmobile applications
刊名 科技管理學刊  
期數 201909 (24:3期)
出版單位 中華民國科技管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 探討工作動機、創意過程與創意績效:工作特性之干擾效果




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