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Applying the Service Innovation Design Theories in Reusing Old House at Tainan
作者 劉哲宏洪榮臨劉馨玫
本研究以服務設計角度探討提供顧客價值之服務發展,並參考資策會創新應用服務研究所發展之系統化服務研發方法-「服務體驗工程方法」(Service Experience Engineering, S.E.E.)之服務塑模程序,透過系統化之研究步驟進行服務設計流程,並運用服務設計工具及方法協助研究者將顧客行為、體驗與需求結構化,萃取出發展創新服務之契機。並採單一個案質性研究,探討老屋再造經營者,如何透過服務設計發覺核心價值並創造競爭優勢。透過適當的服務設計模型、方法與工具之輔助,本研究將服務設計過程中的分析結果與想法具象化,考量服務機能發展完整度及服務缺失改善效益,本研究針對產品服務模型中尚未滿足顧客需求的「點餐流程」及「出餐流程」進行服務流程的討論與改良,並藉由服務藍圖找出服務潛在失效點,並提出實務建議作為個案經營者服務決策之參考。
This study discussed how to provide customer value based on the service design perspective. This study referred to the service modeling of the Service Experience Engineering that came from The Innovative DigiTech-Enabled Applications & Services Institute. The systematic service processes of this model offered tools and methods assisted researchers to identify customers' behaviors and needs. Then we developed the research results into innovative and value-added services. Applying study case to investigate how the owners of reusing old house building competitive advantages through service design. To conclude, this study had chosen the suitable models, methods and tools for target case, which made the processes of service design concretely. Considering the completion of service function and the efficiency, the process which not meeting customers' needs as ordering and serving those worked in progress of service design. After that, the potential failures points of service were discovered from the service blueprint and the practical advice had been put forward by this study.
起訖頁 35-67
關鍵詞 服務創新服務設計老屋再造服務體驗工程方法Service InnovationService DesignReusing Old HouseService Experience Engineering
刊名 科技管理學刊  
期數 201809 (23:3期)
出版單位 中華民國科技管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 服務創新保護模式探討-以統合觀點分析
該期刊-下一篇 深度學習於智慧零售預測模型之研究:以便利商店時效性商品為例




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