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The Development Trajectory of Virtual Reality Literature in Main Areas
作者 李喬芳曾芳美盧煜煬 (Louis Y. Y. Lu)
過去虛擬實境的回顧研究較針對特定領域的文獻,缺乏對於虛擬實境整體文獻的回顧,透過時間排序,檢視其發展脈絡。因虛擬實境應用領域廣,故本研究採用Edge-betweenness Clustering集群分析將文獻分群,再用主路徑分析法,分析各集群的發展方向。本研究分析Web of Science(WOS)資料庫虛擬實境學術文獻,描繪五個較多學者研究的重點子領域學術文獻之發展路徑軌跡,並使用圖像化軟體將引用關係簡易呈現,探討虛擬實境學術文獻整體發展過程。虛擬實境學術文獻的五個重點子領域為:「手術模擬」、「復健」、「暴露治療」、「製造業應用」、「神經認知」,本研究並分別對此五個子領域進行主路徑分析,探討其發展軌跡,最後,對所有文獻做主路徑分析,以瞭解各子領域的相關學術議題主流發展變遷。對於此領域有興趣的學者,可透過此研究,快速掌握虛擬實境的發展脈絡與未來研究方向。
Literature reviews of virtual reality have only focused on specific aspects of virtual reality. This paper comprehensively reviews and analyzes prior studies in the context of virtual reality. Edge-betweenness clustering analyses were conducted on literature from the Web of Science database and were conducted to identify the significant subfields of virtual reality, as well as to identify the developmental track. The theme and the key point of interests of each group are identified by again using the main path analysis method. Five subfields were identified, ''Surgical simulation,'' ''Rehabilitation,'' ''Exposure therapy,'' ''Manufacturing applications,'' and ''Cognition.'' We also conducted the main path analysis of all subfields to analyze the relationship of the five subfields. The results of this study help elucidate the mainstream development and changes in the academic aspects of virtual reality and should help guide future research directions for researchers interested in this field.
起訖頁 61-95
關鍵詞 虛擬實境技術機會主路徑分析Virtual realityTechnological opportunityTechnology forecastingMain path analysis
刊名 科技管理學刊  
期數 201806 (23:2期)
出版單位 中華民國科技管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 從零到一:設計創業團隊的形成歷程




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