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Analyzing the Determinants and the Decision Rules of R&D Collaboration in the Taiwanese Biomedical Sector
作者 林韋廷陳詩欣
Literature maintains, in the high-tech emerging sectors, firms heavily rely on R&D collaboration to enhance their R&D capabilities. The innovation network literature has indicated that innovation is embedded in the networks instead of any single actor (such as a firm), especially in the case of the biomedical sector. In the high-tech sectors, the determinants of firms to establish R&D collaborations with other firms or institutes by considering the characteristics such as geographical proximity, technology domain, potential resources and the track records. However, what less clear are the determinants of building collaboration networks in the emerging sector. Combining Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) and interviews, this study explores the decision rules of R&D collaborations in the biomedical industry, a fast growing high-tech sector. The ACO algorithm is a probabilistic technique for finding suitable paths and extracting the decision rule. This study, therefore, applied ACO algorithm to macroscopically extract important attributes and decision rules composed of firm features from 112 biomedical firms. This study also compared the rule sets from the analyses of the two periods before and after the implementation of Biotech and New Pharmaceutical Development Act in 2007. Furthermore, the decision rules of academia-industry R&D collaborations in the biomedical sector are also analyzed. The 4 rule sets with accuracy rate higher than 90% show that prior collaboration experience is the most important attribute. For validating the meaning of the rules in reality, we conducted interviews with experts in the field of biopharmaceuticals, medical-device, and pharmaceuticals. The mutual complementation of technology, R&D capabilities, and government funding supports also influences the determinants of R&D collaborations. Finally, this study offered policy suggestions to effectively facilitate innovation in the emerging sectors.
起訖頁 69-98
關鍵詞 研發合作蟻群尋優法決策規則生醫產業新興科技R&D collaborationAnt Colony OptimizationDecision ruleBiomedical sector
刊名 科技管理學刊  
期數 201706 (22:2期)
出版單位 中華民國科技管理學會
該期刊-上一篇 發掘無線充電市場技術策略群組:以技術相似性為基礎




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