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Competitions among External Powers, A Discourse on the Identification and Reincarnation of the 9th Rje-btsun Dam-pa
作者 張昆晟
The reincarnation lineage of the Rje-btsun Dam-pa of Khalkha emerged in Khalkha Mongolian Region in the 16th Century and then became one of the most important 4 reincarnation lineages of the Dge-lugs Sect whereas other high ranked reincarnated lamas were the Dalai, the Panchen and the Byang-skya. The identification of those successive reincarnations and their activities extensively involved the balance of external political powers. The 8th Rje-btsun Dam-pa, in particular, played a role as the leader of independent movement. His political involvement showed an obvious characteristic of his own personality. He then passed away at the turning point of the transition of Mongolian society from the ancient time into the modern world. As the control over the Rje-btsun Dam-pa reincarnation lineage from the Chinese Government declined gradually, the external effects on determination of the reincarnation of the 8th Rje-btsun Dam-pa had a fundamental distinction from those on his predecessors. In this essay, I'd like to emphasize on the life of the 9th Rje-btsun Dam-pa to exemplify the meaning of the phenomenon of the systems of reincarnated lamas as an instrumental character subject to external powers.
起訖頁 65-99
關鍵詞 哲布尊丹巴轉世化身蒙藏關係The Rje-btsun Dam-pareincarnationMongolian-Tibetan relations
刊名 民族學界  
期數 201804 (41期)
出版單位 國立政治大學民族學系
該期刊-上一篇 香港福建移民的廟宇與進香
該期刊-下一篇 韓國歷史電視劇研究的展開




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