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Life Writing & Representations of Arts in the Works of Taiwanese Aboriginal Women A-Wu and Ebu
作者 簡瑛瑛賴孟君
對於經歷過多重殖民的台灣原住民來說,創傷與認同顯然成為他們生命書寫中相當重要的母題。筆者發現90年代開始有原住民女性將此文化再現交織於「自我、性別與族裔」間深刻且複雜的議題中。本文採取台灣原住民女作家利格拉樂‧阿(女烏)(A-Wu)的文學文本與台灣原住民女藝術家依布(Ebu)繪畫作品之「互文閱讀」策略,分析並比較兩位藝術家文本中創傷(trauma)及認同(identity)書寫策略之異同。兩位原民創作者除對「女性主體」加以關注外,阿(女烏)以身體(body)/聲音(voice)展開其特殊認同敘事;依布則援用女體圖像學(iconography of female body)企圖療癒創傷、改/重寫其生命經驗。
For the Taiwanese aboriginals who have long been oppressed, trauma and identity are important themes in their life writing. In the 90's, Taiwanese aboriginal women start working on the representation of culture by combining issues of ''self, gender, and ethnicity'' in their works. This paper attempts to discuss the works of the Taiwanese aboriginal women writer A-Wu and visual artist Ebu by way of ''inter-textual reading''. At the same time, the strategy and differences between the two artist's works about trauma and identity will be analyzed and compared. The two aborigianl women artists care about the issues of ''women/subjectivity'' very much in their text: A-Wu develops narratives of trauma and identity through body and voice, while Ebu uses the so-called ''iconography of female body'' to heal traumas, and rewrite her life stories.
起訖頁 101-129
關鍵詞 台灣原住民生命書寫藝術再現女性主體創傷與療癒性別/族裔與認同Taiwanese aboriginalslife writingrepresentations of artswomen's subjectivitytrauma and healinggender/ethnicity and identity
刊名 國立政治大學民族學報  
期數 200906 (28期)
出版單位 國立政治大學民族學系
該期刊-上一篇 信仰、禮儀、權力、羈縻:契丹社會之纛、旗與鼓研究




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