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A Review of the Kume Villagers Study
作者 呂青華
The purpose of this paper is to review the Kume Village study. Kume Village was initially formed by 36 Fujian clans in the 14(superscript th) century when Ryukyu Islands became one of the tributaries to the Ming Empire. Kume villagers had great influence on the Ryukyu Kingdom in diplomacy, culture, thought, and belief perspectives. Therefore scholars from Okinawa, Japan, Taiwan, China, as well as Kume Village itself have been involved in Kume studies. Perspectives and historical interpretations vary greatly among scholars from many different standpoints.Firstly, Taiwan has noted the existence of the Kume villagers since 1954, but has been unable to map Kume Village completely. Secondly, China's research Oil Kume Villagers remains mired in an analysis of literature written by various historians. Thirdly, Okinawa itself tends to either regard the Kume Village culture as representative of ''the overseas Chinese'' in Southeast Asia (a merchant class), or else as an elite group who fled from the Ming Empire. Fourthly, Japanese anthropologists focus only on Okinawan customs, with little or no attention given to Kume Village as a unique cultural pocket.This research attempts to map Kume Village thoroughly from an ethno-historical perspective beginning with the first Kume villagers, the 36 Fujian clans who migrated to the Ryukyu Islands in 1392.
起訖頁 263-291
關鍵詞 久米村閩人三十六姓華人朝貢 Kume VillageFujian 36 clansChinese Overseastributary
刊名 國立政治大學民族學報  
期數 200612 (25期)
出版單位 國立政治大學民族學系
該期刊-上一篇 臺灣原住民的選舉研究史及其評估
該期刊-下一篇 書評:Mark C. Elliott, The Manchu Way: The Eight Banners and Ethnic Identity in Late Imperial China




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