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A study of applying untraceable RFID for inpatient medication safety
作者 李鴻璋傅俊崴
In Taiwan, medication errors which account for the major medical negligence incident in 2010 would seriously endanger people's health care safety. There are many factors that induce the medication errors, such as the similar names among the drugs, the negligent dispensation of drugs, adverse drug problems, and so forth. How to apply information technology to improve medical malpractice has become an important research topic. To build RFID technology into the overall health behavior in order to reduce the occurrence of drug blunders or negligence of the dispensing staff has become a very important option for the medical malpractice. Examples are, drugs and patients have their own RFID labels, nurse medical practices is certified by smart-card, and safe medical behavior is ensured and responded. In this paper, based on RFID's identification of patients' identity and associated drugs, we further establish a two-way authentication mechanism and untraceable messages among the RFID tags, and thus, withstand malicious attacks. The dispensing process is undeniable and the responsibility is therefore established. All this can protect patients' rights and improve the environment and quality of the patient's medical.
起訖頁 49-63
關鍵詞 RFID藥物事件住院病人分配藥物medical incidentsinpatientmedical malpractice
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201212 (5:3期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 以社會交換理論修正模式探討知識社群之持續使用意願
該期刊-下一篇 整合信任網路與回饋機制之個人化餐廳推薦系統




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