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Exploring a Performance Evaluation for Innovation Marketing Project by Using Hybrid MCDM Method
作者 管孟忠林君孺陳之寧
隨著企業脈動的需求與市場日新月異的變化,創新整合行銷必須注入更多元的資源與工具,使其達到更快速、有效、精準的貼近企業的需求,傳統的4Ps與4Cs業已不敷使用,而企業應用專案進行行銷活動已經成為趨勢。因此本研究將從專案管理觀點,以創新的行銷7Ps概念全新闡述創新整合行銷專案。本研究以複合式多評準決策方法建立創新行銷專案之績效評價模式。首先,以決策試驗與評價實驗法(Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory,DEMATEL)方法建立創新行銷專案7Ps的影響關聯程度,並且結合NP(DEMATEL-Based ANP)將屬性影響轉換為重要性程度,最後,應用VIKOR進行創新行銷專案績效評估,尋找個案A公司以實證專案績效最差的屬性,並透過系統結構模型決策並提出具有因果方向的改善策略,以期能符合企業的創新行銷需求,同時提升整合行銷專案績效,進而更貼近消費者的需要。
With the needs of enterprise and rapid market changes, innovation and integrated marketing must inject more resources and tools to reach a more rapid, effective, and accurate closed to the needs of enterprises. The traditional 4P and 4C have been inadequate, and the enterprise application project to do marketing activities has become a trend. Therefore, this study using the innovative concept of marketing 7P from project management point of view to elaborated innovation integrated marketing projects. This study uses DEMATEL method to establish performance evaluation model of innovation integrated marketing projects. In this model, we establish the impact relationship degree of innovation integrated marketing projects 7P, in order to meet the needs of enterprises. In addition, this model can help improve the performance of innovation integrated marketing projects, and thus closer to the hearts of consumers. Further, the VIKOR evaluates the total gap of project performance by using empirical analysis on a case study –enterprise A, to improve its scores and to provide enterprises the causal directional improvement strategic suggestions. In order to meet company's innovation marketing needs, improving the performance of the integration marketing projects, and thus closer to the needs of consumers.
起訖頁 1-16
關鍵詞 行銷專案管理多準則決策決策試驗與評價實驗法DEMATEL-Based ANP折衷排序法Marketing Project ManagementMCDMDEMATELVIKOR
刊名 資訊與管理科學  
期數 201212 (5:3期)
出版單位 資訊與管理科學期刊編輯委員會
該期刊-下一篇 一個延伸UCIS-X索引檔以整合分散式XML資料的方法




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