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The Development of Parsimony Multiple Learning Strategies Using Ability Scale in Word Problem Solving and Learning Guidance Applications for Primary School Students
作者 許家驊
For the needs of research practice, primary school students' limited attention, learning guidance. It is necessary to develop the parsimony multiple learning strategies using ability scale (PMLSUAS) in word problem solving (WPS) for primary school student. So, this study developed PMLSUAS by literature and peer reviewing, pilot testing and try out as a learning guidance instrument to assess and analyze the using ability of learning strategies in WPS for primary school students. Then, according to the results, it can produce learning guidance program respectively. All subjects were composed of primary school students from Chiayi county and city of Taiwan, who were tested by PMLSUAS. The data were divided into two clusters for taking cross validation statistical analyses randomly. Regarding the item analysis, the critical ratio, item-sub and item-total correlations were strong, regardless of whether it was a single item, a sub-scale, or a whole. The validity analysis produced a number of factor structure matched the one factor dimensions (WPS learning strategies using ability) and three facets (cognitive, metacognitive, motivational-attributional learning strategies using). The KMO, variance proportions of factor extraction and the model fitness were positive. Three factor’s facets were correlated with each other. The reliability analysis produced a positive α coefficient and the composite reliability was positive in each facets and whole scale. The ability of cognitive and motivational-attributional learning strategies using were significantly different in WPS learning strategies for individuals with differing word problem solving performances. Next, classifying the T score of WPS learning strategies ability for low performance student (bottom 27%), and gaining cluster characteristics and learning guidance directions. Then, proposing the main points and projects of learning guidance based on that. Finally, based on the results were mentioned above, the parsimony multiple learning strategies using ability scale (PMLSUAS) was a qualified and practical effective instrument in learning strategies assessment.
起訖頁 1-66
關鍵詞 解題學習策略運用能力多元解題學習策略簡要量表學習輔導learning strategies using ability for word problem solving(WPS)multiple learning strategies for WPSparsimony scalelearning guidance
刊名 教育學誌  
期數 202005 (43期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 向度數、題數及樣本數分別與六種信度估計法估計誤差交互作用效果之探討




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