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The Principle of Gloss Measurement and the Study of Gloss Measurement on the Surface of Dental Prosthesis
作者 張漢釗徐名瑩汪硯雲陳柔甄
當病患需要自行花費進行牙科贋復物(牙冠)製作時,病患對於牙科贋復物與真牙之間的顏色,都希望能達到無色差的美學狀態。雖然在牙冠顏色上,比色機已能提供最低色差的功能要求,但是由於牙冠材質與真牙的差異,在光澤度及在實際臨床上會有相當大的差異。市售光澤度計主要量測大面積工程品的塗裝表面且其探頭體積過大,無法在患者口腔處量測;且量測光斑尺寸過大,對於小面積的前牙區域容易造成量測偏差。因此本文將說明光澤度計量測原理,並採用釉面陶瓷白瓷的60°鏡面光澤度(ASTM C584-81)和Zemax OpticStudio®光學軟體,進行機身厚度大於10 mm的微型光澤度計光斑範圍與繞射極限研究。依據本研究之光學模擬結果與比較牙冠與真牙之間的光澤度數據後,我們確定微型光澤度計的光斑範圍介於1至3.8 mm且光學設計已接近點光源,因此可減少光學系統的像差,並提高準直光線的平行度。本研究成果可導入牙科贋復物光澤度量測,以協助提升牙科贋復物配戴後的美學品質。
When the patient needs to make a dental prosthesis (dental crown) at their own expense, the patient hopes that the color between the dental prosthesis and the real tooth can achieve a color shading aesthetic state. Although the colorimeter can provide the lowest color difference in the crown's color, due to the difference between the material of the crown and the real tooth, there will be a considerable difference in gloss at the actual clinical practice. Commercially available gloss meters mainly measure the coating surfaces of large-area engineering products, and their probes are too large to be measured in the patient's mouth; and the measurement spot size is too large, which may easily cause measurement deviations for a small area of the front teeth. Therefore, this article will explain the gloss measurement principle and use the 60°mirror gloss of the glazed ceramic white porcelain (ASTM C584-81) and Zemax OpticStudio®optical software to perform the small gloss meter light spot with a body thickness of more than 10 mm research on the range and diffraction limit. Based on the optical simulation results of this study and comparing the gloss data between the crown and the real tooth, we determined that the spot range of the micro-gloss meter is between 1 and 3.8 mm, and the optical design is close to point light source, so reduce the aberration of the optical system and improve the parallelism of the collimated light. This research can import gloss measurement into the dental prosthesis gloss measurement to improve the aesthetic quality of the dental prosthesis.
起訖頁 67-79
刊名 科儀新知  
期數 202009 (224期)
出版單位 財團法人國家實驗研究院台灣儀器科技研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 淺談風力發電機非破壞性檢測
該期刊-下一篇 應用於大口徑非球面拋光製程之迭代式進給速率演算法




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