中文摘要 |
基於軟硬體技術快速發展,能源管理系統的使用逐漸成熟,本研究提供一個新的發展方向,可以在不增加任何新硬體設備的情況下,達到一定程度的節能效果。將資料探勘、建築能耗模擬軟體、氣象預測等技術整合到主動式建築物能源管理系統,對建築物能源進行主動式管理,最佳化空調系統運轉模式,經實際應用案例之空調系統節能率為7.6%。本研究結果可以提供給未來進行節能改善的人員參考,透過軟體的分析後系統主動控制可以有效達到節能效果。 With the advancements of both software and hardware technologies, the application of integrating both into energy management information systems has gradually matured. This research provides a new application direction of developing an active building energy management system by integrating data exploration and building energy consumption simulation software. Combining meteorological forecast data with the newly developed water chiller start-up optimizing model, the energy saving rate of an actual case study post application was 7.6%. This research provides evidence of effective energy saving results achieved through the analysis and control of software for future energy conservation personnel. |