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A Study of the Demands of Family Welfare Services in the Wangan and Chimei Areas of Penghu County
作者 張麗珠趙善如王仕圖 (Shu-twu Wang)呂安雅
Fisheries and tourism are the main sources of economic industries in the Wangan-and- Chimei area. This area is unique with weather-dependent economic industries, high proportions of the elderly and new immigrants in the population, and an archipelago type community. Taking community members’ best interest into consideration, planning family services that are culturally sensitive and meeting the community needs can be challenging to social workers. In order to systematically record the experiences of off-island welfare and social work services, and ensure that the content of services meet the residents’ needs, Penghu County government contracted out the project to the research team. It is necessary to conduct a study on social welfare needs in the Wangan and Chimei area. It is hoped that the study results could be used as a guideline for planning future family services and developing a service delivery model. This study conducted a door-to-door survey to collect quantitative and qualitative data. A total of 626 valid questionnaires were collected, of which 290 (149 men and 141 women) respondents were from Wangan, and 336 (186 men and 150 women) were from Chimei. The results indicate that medical services, meals on wheels, social welfare consulting, social assistance and emergency relief of services for people with disabilities, after-school tutoring, parenting class, and educational training are demanded in the Wangan-and-Chimei area. It is suggested that the Wangan Chimei Family Service Center utilizes outreach, resource linkage, and community work to deliver its services.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 醫療服務送餐服務外展資源連結社區工作medical servicesmeals on the wheelsoutreachresource linkagecommunity work
刊名 人文社會科學研究  
期數 201406 (8:2期)
出版單位 國立屏東科技大學人文暨社會科學院
該期刊-下一篇 視覺傳達設計科系學生專業能力需求與課程分析之研究




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