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A Herculean Work: Textual Materials in Robert Morrison's ADictionaryof the Chinese Language (1815-1823)
作者 張雅媚
Robert Morrison's Dictionary of the Chinese Language in Three Parts (1815-1823) opened new phase to the nineteenth-century Chinese-English lexicography. Before the Dictionary has been published, European Chinese language learners often made use of manuscripts transcribed from the Catholic missionaries', in which all the vocabularies were simply literally translated and paraphrased only without further explainations. Morrison took another way by compiling a dictionary on an encyclopedic scale, which is obviously represented in the first volume of the first part. These partially original entries are important sources to a better understanding of Morrison's thought and work, but it has been mostly overlooked by emphasizing the lexicographical and historical value of the second and third parts. To look into his process of selecting, translating, and integrating various kind of sources into each entry, this paper first demonstrates two typical modes of entry-making in the Dictionary, and then explains how he chose materials, with a view on his experiences of studying and understanding Chinese Literature.
起訖頁 195-227
關鍵詞 馬禮遜字典康熙字典大英百科全書聖經中國文學Morrison's Dictionary Empirial (Kangxi)
刊名 漢學研究集刊  
期數 202006 (30期)
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學漢學應用研究所
該期刊-上一篇 「新譯」如何新?──論岸春風樓《新譯紅樓夢》的翻譯策略及其經典化意義




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