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A Study of the Information Literacy of Biomedical Graduate Students: Based on the Thesis Topic Discovery Process in Molecular Biology Research
作者 黃昭妍陳昭珍 (Chao-Chen Chen)
The biomedical information environment is in a state of constant and rapid change due to the increase in research data and rapid technological advances. In Taiwan, few research has investigated the information literacy of biomedical graduate students. This exploratory study examined the information literacy abilities and training of biomedical graduate students in Taiwan. Semi-structured interviews based on the Association of College and Research Libraries Information Literacy Competency Standards for Science and Engineering/Technology were conducted with 20 molecular biological graduate students. The interview inquired about their information-seeking channels and information literacy education. The findings show that the biomedical graduate students developed a workable thesis topic with their advisors. Through various information-seeking channels and retrieval strategies, they obtained and critically evaluated information to address different information needs for their thesis research. Through seminars, annual conferences and papers, the interviewees were informed of current developments in their field. Subsequently, through written or oral communications, they were able to integrate and exchange the information. Most interviewees cared about the social, economic, legal, and ethical issues surrounding the use of information. College courses and labs were the main information literacy education environment for them to learn about research skills and knowledge. The study concludes four areas to address for the information literacy of biomedical graduate students, i.e., using professional information, using the current information, efficiency in assessing the domain information, and utilization of diverse information channels. Currently, the interviewees showed rather low usage of library resources, which is a concern for biomedical educators and libraries.
起訖頁 77-107
關鍵詞 資訊素養資訊尋求途徑資訊素養教育生醫領域研究生Information LiteracyInformation Seeking ChannelsInformation Literacy EducationBiomedical Graduate Students
刊名 圖書資訊學刊  
期數 201406 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣大學圖書資訊學系
該期刊-上一篇 天主教在華刊物述略(1872-1949)
該期刊-下一篇 人力網站線上表單長度設計對使用者偏好的影響




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