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Book-Tax Difference and Financial Distress
作者 黃劭彥 (Shaio-Yan Huang)卓佳慶邱安安徐維廷
本文主要探討財務危機公司在危機發生之前與危機解除之後,其財稅差異(即財務會計所得和課稅所得間的差異)的現象與成因。有別於過去有關財務危機公司與盈餘管理之研究,本文依據陳明進(2009)所建立的當期應付所得稅額推估公式計算出企業之課稅所得,且將上市櫃公司財務報告書中相關所得稅揭露資料逐一建檔,針對2000年至2012年中這段期間曾發生財務危機的公司,進行迴歸的實證分析。研究結果顯示,曾歷經財務危機的公司,在發生危機前的財稅差異佔總資產的比例相較於一般正常企業顯著比較大,呼應Frank et al.(2009)所提出企業會同時進行盈餘管理或租稅規劃的論點。而曾有財務危機公司於剛解除危機後,其財稅差異也顯著高於正常公司,顯示公司雖剛渡過危機但資金仍受限,將以虧損抵扣與其他避稅行為來提升自身的資金存量以供恢復正常營運後所需之動能。至於曾發生財務危機之公司於危機發生前後,其財稅差異則無顯著不同。
The research investigates the association between financial distress companies and normal companies in book-tax difference (BTD) before the distress happened or after the distress relived. Different to the past research, this research adopts the estimative formul of acurrent tax payable to calculate the taxable income established by Chen (2009), and files the disclousure tax information in financial reporting of public companies. Then we focus on financial distress companies from 2000 to 2012. The results find the financial distress companies tend to have higher BTD than the normal companies when the distress happened, corresponding to Frank et al. (2009). In addition, the financial distress companies have higher BTD when the distress relived, implying tax shelter is used for reverving cash. Finanally, there are not significant difference of BTD between before the distress happened and the distress relived.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 財務危機公司財稅所得差異會計所得課稅所得Financial distress companiesBook-tax differenceAccounting incomeTaxable income
刊名 會計審計論叢  
期數 201312 (3:2期)
出版單位 財團法人臺灣會計教育基金會
該期刊-下一篇 董事會特性暨會計師產業專精於權益資金成本之研究




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