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Retention Intention of Entry-level Disaster Relief Personnel in Taiwan
作者 龔聖淵何華欽
本研究以臺灣的災害救助(disaster relief)工作發展為背景,試圖 瞭解我國災害救助工作的真實樣貌。研究者以實務經驗的觀點,透過深 度訪談(in-depth interviews)方式來訪問訪談8 位擁有兩年以上實務經 驗、分屬於不同直轄市、縣(市)政府社政單位的基層實務工作者。期 許從訪談中了解基層人員的留任(retension)意願與相關影響因素。 經過研究歸納(induction),顯示災害救助工作需要高度分工及橫向 溝通協調,也相當仰賴經驗的傳承與制度的建構。但從事災害救助工作 的基層實務工作者們普遍位處高壓力、高風險與低支持的工作環境。相 較於其他發展已久的社會工作專業而言,災害救助工作所能獲得之資源 與支持較為低落。這樣的工作及環境特性,已成為影響基層實務工作者 們繼續從事災害救助工作的阻礙。 研究建議臺灣的社政單位應正視多元化的災害議題,主動訂定因應 機制並預先進行組織內部災害救助任務分工、訂定相關因應機制及因地 制宜的標準化流程並使服務內化。主事者也應確實聆聽基層人員的想 法、應給予必要協助資源、支持及協助,並正視辦理災害救助之基層實 務工作者們之工作負荷及執業風險。
In this study, Taiwan's developing disaster relief work was investigated. Perspectives on field experience were collected through in-depth interviews conducted with eight entry-level, front-line personnel with at least two years of field experience assigned to different municipal and county (city) social affairs agencies. Interviews were conducted to understand entry-level personnel's intentions to stay and deciding factors involved. The inductive research of this study revealed that disaster relief requires an extensive division of labor, intensive lateral communication and coordination, and heavy dependence on experience inheritance and system construction. However, entry-level, frontline personnel in disaster relief commonly work in high stress, high risk, and low support environments. Disaster relief personnel receive relatively few resources or support compared with professionals in other well-established social works. The characteristics of this work and the environment have become obstacles that reduce the willingness of entry-level field personnel to continue working in disaster relief. This study suggests that Taiwan's social affairs agencies should examine this multifaceted problem, pre-divide disaster relief work into tasks within agencies, and design relevant response mechanisms and locally-adapted, standardized procedures and systems. People in charge should carefully consider the opinions of entry-level field personnel and provide necessary resources, support, and assistance, as well as address the workload and occupational hazards faced by entry-level field personnel.
起訖頁 91-129
關鍵詞 災害救助災變社會工作社工留任意願Disaster Disaster Relief Disaster Social Work
刊名 台灣社會福利學刊  
期數 202006 (16:1期)
出版單位 台灣社會福利學會
該期刊-上一篇 全民健保財務收支連動機制之研究:問題建構途徑




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