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Substance Use Disorder in Adolescent
作者 林群黃名琪
青少年藥物濫用在現今台灣社會已是相當重要的議題,由於青少年階段為腦部發展的黃金時期, 負責成癮的邊緣系統(內含酬償中樞)快速發育,易於嘗試新奇事物,但掌管衝動控制與理性判斷的前額葉 尚未成熟,較難判斷危險或傷害健康,在此時期容易出現藥物濫用(包括菸、酒、非法物質)的問題,將造 成後續深遠之影響,在成年後也具較高風險出現成癮疾患。本文回顧國內青少年藥物濫用流行病學資料 出發,並參考美國國家衛生研究院藥物濫用研究所出版之青少年物質使用疾患治療實證準則,探討青少 年發展階段腦部變化、描述藥物濫用可能症狀及表徵、檢視成癌之機轉、建議家長在介入過程中可扮演 之角色、並且提供治療準則和實證治療模式等,由各種面相去了解各類相關議題,以期於臨床與政策制 定上有效幫助青少年藥物濫用個案,建立一個良好健康的生活模式。
Adolescent substance use disorder is a critical issue in current Taiwanese society. During adolescent brain development, the brain regions that are mainly responsible for the addiction development, particularly the limbic region, matures earlier than the pre-frontal cortex region. The adolescents tend to seek novelty and make decisions that are risky and can lead to safety or health concerns, including unique vulnerabilities to drug abuse. Exposure to drugs of abuse during this period will cause far-reaching consequences and increase the risk of addictive disorders in later life. This review article stems from summarizing the important epidemiological data of adolescent substance use disorder in Taiwan, and based on the guides from the National Institute of Drug Abuse in the United States, delineating the characteristics of developing brain that are linked with the developmental process of addiction, demonstrating the potential symptoms and signs of drug abuse, displaying the mechanisms underlying the development of addiction, explaining the roles that the parents should play the intervention, to the final part by introducing the treatment guidelines and evidence-based treatment models. This body of knowledge sharpens the urgency for more effective prevention measures to promote a drug-free lifestyle and for drug-abusing adolescents to receive intervention early.
起訖頁 427-433
關鍵詞 青少年藥物濫用物質使用疾患成癮治療adolescent drug abuse substance use disorder addiction treatment
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202007 (24:4期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 青少年身心症
該期刊-下一篇 降低頭頸癌顯微皮瓣重建術後壓瘡改善方案




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