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Adolescent Vaccinations
作者 呂俊毅 (Chun-Yi Lu)
隨著疫苗科技的進步與流行病學的改變,今日的疫苗已非嬰幼兒的專利,青少年也有必要施打疫 苗。首先,有些專為青少年設計的疫苗,例如人類乳突瘤病毒疫苗被研發出來。青少年是施打人類乳突 瘤病毒疫苗的為最佳時機,可以在其開始有性行為之前建立保護力。人類乳突瘤病毒疫苗可以有效預防 人類乳突瘤病毒感染及其相關的泌尿生殖器癌症,尤其是子宮頸癌。其次,部分在嬰幼兒時期打過的疫 |苗,疫苗所賦予的保護力到了青少年階段可能逐漸消退,有必要再追加。百日咳疫苗與B型肝炎疫苗是 其中的例子,麻疹與日本腦炎也有可能需要注意。第三,有些疫苗在過去未被列入公費疫苗,大部分青 少年沒有打過,因此有遭感染的風險。A肝屬於此類。台灣 2003 年以後出生的世代雖大部分已打過一劑 水痘疫苗,只打一劑並不能完全預防水痘,可考慮打第二劑。2003年以前出生的青少年,更可以考慮施 打水痘疫苗。最後,青少年扮演流感在家庭與學校間的傳播樞紐,也是優先建議每年施打流感疫苗的對 象。本文將就上述各種疫苗的施打必要性、施打方法與時機、疫苗的效果與安全性等逐一介紹。
With the advance of vaccine technologies and evolution of epidemiology, vaccination is no longer exclusively used for infants or children. Adolescents need their own vaccinations as well. First of all, some newly-developed, adolescents-targeted vaccines such as human papillomavirus vaccines are available nowadays. Adolescence is a perfect timing for HPV vaccines as they will soon grow into their sexually active ages. HPV vaccines have been proved to prevent HPV infections and certain urogenital cancers including cervical cancer. Second, some adolescents are about to lose immunity conferred by vaccinations they have received in their childhood. Pertussis, HBV, JE vaccines are among vaccines in this category. Third, some vaccines like HAV and varicella vaccines were not commonly used in earlier years and adolescents were seldom vaccinated. They can be vaccinated with these vaccines before growing into their adulthood. Finally, adolescents play a pivotal role in influenza transmission. Annual influenza vaccinations for adolescents are important for them and their families. This article is to review the epidemiology and vaccination strategies for the above mentioned diseases and vaccines in adolescents.
起訖頁 407-413
關鍵詞 青少年疫苗adolescent vaccination
刊名 台灣醫學  
期數 202007 (24:4期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學會
該期刊-上一篇 青少年生長與青春期發育
該期刊-下一篇 青少年肥胖




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