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A Study on Mass Movement Disorder Types and Evidence Collecting An example of Zhong Zheng First Precinct
作者 黃淂棖
From the Sunflower Movement, serious mass movement was almost be happened every year, for example, the anti-black box curriculum movement in 2015, the one fixed and one flexible day off on new labor laws in 2016, the civil service pension reform in 2017, the Amendment to the Labor Standards Act movement, and also the freeway toll collectors movement, the Korea Hydis workers, Eastward Underground Railway of Tainan, Daguan Homeless, protest issue included political, labor, gender free, living justice, it's a great impact on Taiwan's political development and social security. This study is aimed at the case study of social movements in recent years which happened at Zhong Zheng First Precinct, qualitative research method is used in the study, the research interviewed policemen of Zhong Zheng First Precinct, analyzed mass movement disorder types, discussed evidence collecting operation plan when police dealing with mass movement, to expect to build effective evidence collecting when police dealing with new form mass movement, to enhance evidence collecting effect, make recommendations as adopted for mass movements. This study finds cases of Assembly and Parade Act low and disorder by rate of prosecution or conviction| although evidence collecting is very important when police dealing with mass movement, but the intelligence is also a good weapon, if collect the correct and complete intelligence in advance, arrange appropriate police force, once disorder situation will happen, immediately stop or eliminate in the scene, can be decrease investigations. The study suggests that to build evidence collecting police unit, the law enforcement agency should advance with times, use the unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV), and etc. to cope with the new type of mass movement.
起訖頁 73-102
關鍵詞 聚眾活動違序態樣蒐證勤務Mass MovementDisorder TypesEvidence Collecting Operation
刊名 犯罪學期刊  
期數 202006  (22:1期)
出版單位 中華民國犯罪學學會
該期刊-上一篇 毒品犯罪熱點區位GIS分析──以新北市為例




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