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Optimal Maintenance Policy and Length of the Lease Period for Leased Equipment Using Age-reduction Within the Lifecycle
作者 張文亮葉瑞徽
This paper examines preventive maintenance policies and the optimal length of a lease period from the lessor’s perspective. The length of the lease period, the repair time of the failed equipment, and rent for the leased equipment are detailed in the lease contract. To achieve steady revenue, the lessor may provide a discount to encourage the lessee to sign a contract with a long lease period. For the lessor, determining the frequency of preventive maintenance and the length of the lease period is crucial. Therefore, we consider the following maintenance scheme in this study. Within the lease period, all equipment failures are repaired minimally. A repair time that exceeds a prespecified tolerable time results in a penalty to the lessor. Within the lease period, the lessor preventively maintains the equipment periodically. Based on this maintenance scheme, a mathematical model of the expected total profit for the equipment within the lease period is developed and the optimal length of the lease period and corresponding optimal maintenance policy are determined. Finally, we peovide numerical examples to illustrate the effects of the lease period length and the maintenance policy on the expected total profit.
起訖頁 67-72
關鍵詞 週期性預防保養租期長度設備生命週期periodical preventive maintenancelength of lease periodsproduct lifecycle
刊名 科學與工程技術期刊  
期數 201403 (10:1期)
出版單位 大葉大學
該期刊-上一篇 應用於球拍拉線機之數位嵌入式直流無刷馬達驅動系統




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