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The study on relationship among work stress, emotional intelligence and job performance for the bank industry practitioners in Taipei
作者 郭宗賢
銀行在金融體系作為最貼近民眾生活的具體場所,可謂成為日常生活裡面的重要部分,幾乎所有人都需要使用到銀行的服務,伴隨著金融科技與Bank 3.0時代的來臨,有必要對於銀行業的人力資源管理重新檢視,因為網路的發達雖然帶動金融服務的便利性,但在尚未完全普及自動化與行動化的過渡時期,也更加凸顯人力服務供給的可貴,高素質的銀行業人力資源仍是相當具有競爭力之差異化來源。無疑地,遍地林立的銀行業中的從業人員面臨高度工作壓力,在緊湊的步調中亦須面對顧客並表現合宜的情緒,使得情緒智能亦發重要,故本研究以此為起點,探討銀行從業人員之工作壓力與情緒智能對於工作績效的影響,以問卷調查方式蒐集數據,輔以統計方法檢驗假設,可對於銀行業之人力資源管理實務有所啟示。
Banks in the financial system are the closest concrete places in people's lives, and can be said to be an important part of daily life. Almost everyone needs to use bank services. With the rise of financial technology and the advent of the Bank 3.0 era, it is essential for the banking industry. Although the development of the Internet has promoted the convenience of financial services, it has also highlighted the value of human services during the transition period when full automation and mobility have not yet been fully popularized. This makes emotional intelligence also important. Therefore, this study takes this as a starting point to explore the impact of work pressure and personnel's emotional intelligence in the banking industry on work performance. Collect data through questionnaire surveys, supplemented by statistical methods to test hypotheses, which can provide inspiration for human resource management practices in the banking industry.
起訖頁 208-216
關鍵詞 銀行工作壓力情緒智能工作績效bankwork stressemotional intelligencejob performance
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202009 (9:2期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 企業導入雲端供應鏈的關鍵成功因素之探討
該期刊-下一篇 消費者持續消費動機研究──以沾美西餐廳為研究標的




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