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A Study on the Transfer of My Health Bank to FHIR Format
作者 徐聖鈞高名鸞張禾坤
隨著醫療科技提升,全球高齡化趨勢,健康管理議題日益受到重視。世界先進國家紛紛投入大量資源 於電子病歷與電子健康紀錄交換標準之研究,期望透過交換標準技術,整合所有的健康照護資訊,發展個 人健康紀錄,除提升醫療品質,減少醫療資源浪費,進而實踐個人自主健康管理,是未來健康照護產業與 政策之趨勢。政府近年來大力推動電子病歷交換標準與健康雲計畫,大多數的醫療院所皆已實施電子病歷跨院調 閱機制,而其中健康雲則包含健康存摺。透過政府提供之雲端健康管理平台,健康存摺除提供民眾下載或 查詢過往就醫資料,藉由提供醫護人員查詢可避免重複或不必要之處置,減少醫療資源浪費,也能使民眾 主動參與健康管理。健康存摺是以人為服務中心概念,藉由國際標準資料交換,使健康存摺除健康醫療資 訊外,亦能與其他健康管理系統結合,提供運動與衛生教育等其他加值應用,使其成為每位國民的個人健 康紀錄。因此本研究將以健康存摺使用國際 L7 協會 FHIR 作為資料交換標準,運用健康存摺中各資料欄位 與 FHIR 標準中的資料格式進行配對,使下載資料可符合標準,以此提高健康存摺下載資料交換的協作 性,並使用 FHIR 本身的成熟度機制,與健康存摺現行使用的交換欄位進行對應,提供未來健康紀錄標準 發展方向之參考。
Due to the advancements in medical technology and global population aging, health management issues have received more and more attention. The developing countries have invested a lot of resources in the research of electronic medical records and electronic health record data exchange standards. By data exchanging standard technology, it could integrate all of health care information, and then developing personal health records. In addition to improving medical quality, reducing medical resources waste, and then enhancing self-health management, personal health record is the future trend for the health care industry and policy. In order to enhance public health, the government has promoted my health bank in recent years. My health bank provides general public to download past medical information, and share all the health information to medical providers, it can avoid duplication or unnecessary procedures, reduce the waste of medical resources, and enable the people to actively participate in health self-management. The main idea of my health bank is human-centered. With the international data exchange standard, my health bank can be combined with other health management systems, providing other enhances services, such as sports and health education, making it to be a personal health record for each of citizens. Therefore, this study will focus on the transfer of health bank to the International HL7 Association FHIR as the data exchange standard. We will check the health bank data format to match the data formats in the FHIR standard, so that the data can meet the standards. Thereby improving the health bank data exchange, collaboration, and using FHIR's own maturity mechanism to correspond to the current exchange of health bank. We hope this study could provide a reference for the future development of health record exchange standards.
起訖頁 1-22
關鍵詞 電子病歷個人健康紀錄健康存摺FHIRElectronic Medical Records Personal Health Records My Health Bank FHIR
刊名 醫療資訊雜誌  
期數 202006 (29:2期)
出版單位 臺灣醫學資訊學會
該期刊-下一篇 深度學習預測大學教授升等的職級:書目計量學




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