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英美文學評論 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Graphic Caregiving Memoir and the Emotional Rhetoric of Comics: Chast's Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant?
作者 張淑麗
美國《紐約客》(New Yorker)漫畫專欄畫家查斯特(Roz Chast)於2014年出版的照護圖像回憶錄(caregiving graphic memoir)《我們不能談些更愉快的話題嗎?》(Can’t We Talk About Something More Pleasant?)獲得該年度美國國家書評人協會獎最佳自傳獎(National Book Critics Circle Award for Autobiography),這也是漫畫類作品首次獲得該項獎項的肯定。書評協會盛讚查斯特善加利用圖像小說圖文並呈的特質,而捕捉到高齡照護所引發的「如同萬花筒般的情緒變化」,尤其是焦慮、困惑、煩躁、羞愧等負面情緒。這篇論文則由這些負面情緒出發,試圖論述這本圖像小說為了闡述、勾勒這些負面情緒,而開展出層層堆疊的多層次時間感性。論文的第一部分整理當代漫畫理論,試圖由麥克勞德(Scott McCloud)「無必然關聯性」(non-sequitur)轉場機制與格容斯帝恩(Thierry Groensteen)的「編結」說(braiding)來理解漫畫傳遞與召喚情感的敘事策略。第二部分剖析查斯特回憶錄的時間結構,以彰顯照護敘事雜沓反覆的時間感性。第三部分則聚焦書中重要的單頁漫畫,分析這些旨在形塑氛圍、召喚情感的單頁漫畫如何相互編結,呼應查斯特透過日常細節與務實考量所勾勒出的高齡照護倫理學。
Can't We Talk About Something More Pleasant, a graphic caregiving memoir by Roz Chast, won the National Book Critics Circle Award for Best Autobiography in 2014. As the first graphic novel to receive such recognition, it is praised by the board members for ''masterfully captur[ing] the kaleidoscopic array of emotions involved in the caregiving for her 90-something parents.'' This paper starts by taking this array of mostly negative emotions seriously and argues that Chast's memoir articulates a multi-layered sense of temporality by using techniques specific to the comics medium to give expression to those emotions felt acutely by caregivers but are otherwise unutterable. The first part of the paper draws upon Scott McCloud's notion of ''non sequitur'' panel transition as well as Thierry Groensteen's idea of ''braiding'' to examine the ''emotional rhetoric'' of comics. Part two examines the temporal structure of the memoir, focusing in particular its penchant for the repetition of motifs, panels, and patterns. The last part zooms in on some exemplary pages to analyze how they both set themselves apart and braid with other nonsequitur pages to articulate an ethics of caregiving that highlights the ordinary ethics of the everyday and practices a vigilant realism.
起訖頁 93-117
關鍵詞 照護圖像回憶錄「無必然關聯性」轉場機制編結情感文法日常倫理graphic caregiving memoirnon-sequitur panel transitionbraidingemotional rhetoricordinary ethics
刊名 英美文學評論  
期數 202006 (36期)
出版單位 中華民國英美文學學會
該期刊-上一篇 Normality, Death and Posthuman Bodies in Ghost in the Shell and Great North Road
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣英美文學研究論壇:挑戰與展望




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