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Nursing Experience Caring an Esophageal Cancer Patient with Repeated Lung Infections Who Requires Pressure Adjustment
作者 林鈺娟陳靜瑤葉淑玲 (Shu-Ling Yeh)韓慧美 (Hui-Mei Han)
Cancer could be a long-term chronic disease. Surviving with cancer may cause extreme stress which could lead depression and insomnia. This article described the nursing experience of caring a patient with esophageal cancer who was hospitalized repeatedly due to nutritional problems and lung infections. The Gordon 11 Function Health Patterns was used to assess the patient's health problems from March 10 to April 2 in 2017. The main health problems included existing infections, imbalanced nutrition: less than body requirements, and impaired stress adjustment capabilities. The author used observation, physical assessment, and communication skills to establish a good nurse-patient relationship and collaborated with the medical team to create the care plan. We used food cards to enhance the nutrition knowledge and increase the nutrient intake therefore to resolve the nutritional and infection problems. To reduce physical and mental stress and enhance positive thinking, we applied the skill of empathy, listening, and caring. In addition, we encouraged the patient to express his feeling toward the illness to better understand the sources of stress. Relaxation techniques were also provided to reduce the severity and impact of stress. Finally, we encouraged the patient to actively participate in the care plan. We hope this report can serve as a reference for caring esophageal cancer patients.
起訖頁 286-298
關鍵詞 食道癌焦慮壓力調適adjustmentanxietyesophageal cancerimpaired stress adjustment capabilities
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 202006 (31:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 照護一位經產婦產後出血之加護經驗




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