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Enhancing Accuracy of Executing Manual Lymphatic Drainage among Nurses in a Hospice Ward
作者 謝維真李青澐邱綉玲 (Hsiu-Ling Chiu)謝素英 (Suh-Ing Hsieh)盧朱滿 (Chu-Man Lu)傅昱甯
Lymphedema is one of the bothersome symptoms of terminal patients, which severely affects the quality of life. Manual lymphatic drainage can effectively relieve edema. However, it may not be comfortable and could lead to low satisfaction among patients. Therefore, we conducted a survey to understand symptoms of lymphedema discomfort among patients and evaluate the recognition and accuracy of executing manual lymphatic drainage among nurses. We found that the accuracy of performing manual lymphatic drainage was only 59.3%. The reasons included low recognition of 68.3%, no participation of related educational training in two years, insufficient teaching materials due to lack of illustrative pictures, and difficulty in memorizing the 33-step procedure, and a lack of assessment mechanism. This project included creating a multimedia teaching material and operationalized instructions on flash cards, holding an in-service education program, and establishing a regular assessment plan. The results showed the accuracy of performing manual lymphatic drainage increased to 96.3%. Multiple strategies can effectively enhance the recognition and accuracy of performing manual lymphatic drainage, successfully promoting the quality of life of terminal patients.
起訖頁 217-229
關鍵詞 淋巴水腫徒手淋巴引流認知執行技術照護品質Lymphedemamanual lymphatic drainagecognitionperforming techniquequality of care
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 202006 (31:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 降低復健科住院病人跌倒發生率
該期刊-下一篇 提升神經外科術後護理完整性之專案




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