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Improve the Medical Compliance Rate on Ketogenic Diet among Children with Refractory Epilepsy
作者 陳美慧許瀞云陳寶純洪碧蓮侯玫玲邱燕甘 (Yen-Gan Chiou)
The ketogenic diet might effectively reduce the episodes of incurable epileptic seizures and reduce the use of anti-epileptic drugs. However, it is necessary to maintain accurate diet control to achieve good results. The caregivers stop it as feeling the inconvenience to prepare meals or the symptoms are not improved for children. This would affect the effect of treatment. This retrospective study used medical record to understand the compliance of 15 children who received ketogenic diet in 2015. The three-month medical compliance rate for the ketogenic diet was only 60%. The main reasons of noncompliance were (1) the taste of ketogenic diet was not good that kids refusing to eat, (2) the caregiver does not know how to prepare meals and inconvenient and time-consuming for preparing, (3) the medical staff had insufficient knowledge for ketogenic diet, and (4) the lack of standardization procedure for ketogenic diet education. From December 1, 2016 to December 31, 2017, the improvement plan was implemented. It includes (1) providing a customized meal plan for caregivers, (2) introducing children's gamification strategies to understand ketogenic diet, (3) organizing educational training courses for medical staff, (4) setting the standardized procedures of ketogenic diet education program and educational tools. After implementation, the three-month medical compliance rate increased from 60% to 92.3%. Also, the episode of seizures decreased 51.6%. The total dose of antiepileptic drugs decreased from 100% to 77.4%. The results showed the improvement program can effectively maintain the medical compliance of the ketogenic diet, successfully reducing the use of antiepileptic drugs and decreasing the frequency of seizures. It is recommended that for children returning to school, the nutritionist might consult for the lunch menu for patients, decline the dish not suitable for patients, and add extra oil consuming. It will be helpful for caregivers easily overcome the difficulty of preparing meals and make the children continue to be sustained. Well-controlled epilepsy will improve the quality of life of patients and their family members.
起訖頁 189-201
關鍵詞 頑固性癲癇生酮飲食醫療遵從率intractable epilepsyketogenic dietmedical compliance rate
刊名 長庚護理  
期數 202006 (31:2期)
出版單位 財團法人長庚紀念醫院
該期刊-上一篇 情境學習在臨床教學中的運用
該期刊-下一篇 降低復健科住院病人跌倒發生率




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