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A Meta-Research of Media Management and Economics: 1988-2016
作者 黃靜蓉
隨著數位匯流、媒體全球化、閱聽人分眾化,如何以經濟學與管理學視角看待媒體產業發展愈加重要,研究者嘗試以量化、後設研究的方式,了解國際媒體管理與經濟學研究之歷時性樣貌。本研究以三本媒體管理與經濟學領域的核心國際期刊Journal of Media Economics、The International Journal on Media Management以及Journal of Media Business Studies為研究對象,分析1988年到2016年間842篇研究論文之累計與變化,探討面向包含出版年份、作者資料、產業類別、理論框架、研究方法和量化分析等。主要研究結果如下:(1)媒體管理與經濟學研究在2000年後明顯增加|(2)作者集中的現象幾乎消失,但第一作者超過四成來自美國|(3)傳統媒體研究占比雖高,不過資訊網路產業和其他研究逐年增加|(4)媒體管理學研究多於媒體經濟學研究,且隨時間正成長|(5)非實證之質性研究為數可觀,但有逐年下降的趨勢。本研究最後提出研究建議和預測可能的發展趨勢。
Media scholars have largely ignored or intentionally avoided the effects of economic forces, but things have change dramatically over the past few decades. With the emergence of information and communication technologies, greater media globalization, and the changing behavior of audiences, a specific application of economic and managerial laws and theories upon media industries and firms becomes increasingly more crucial. Meta-research focuses on a synoptic analysis concerning research in media management and economics, by pointing out its current state as well as future areas of research. This study reviewed 842 articles from three core international journals - namely, Journal of Media Economics, The International Journal on Media Management, and Journal of Media Business Studies - spanning from 1988 to 2016 according to the year of publication, background of author(s), industry studied, theoretical base, research methods, and data analytics. The main results show that: (a) the demand for media management and economics research has gone up annually ever since the year 2000| (b) author concentration has almost disappeared, but more than 40% of first authors are from the Unites States| (c) the research on traditional media is still the majority, but studies of information and Internet industries and studies of other issues have increased year by year| (d) the volume of media management research is greater than that of media economics research and growing over time| and (e) non-empirical qualitative studies account for a considerable amount overall, but exhibit a downward trend. The conclusion summarizes the research results and derives future trends of media management and economics.
起訖頁 143-183
關鍵詞 後設研究國際期刊媒體經濟學媒體管理學international journalsmedia economicsmedia managementmeta-research
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 202007 (144期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 反「客」為「主」:白褲瑤村民影像小組的紀錄及其反思




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