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Study on Operating Model of Multitiered SchoolBased Program for Gifted Students with Autism Spectrum Syndrome in Elementary Schools
作者 鄒小蘭 (Hsiao-Lan Chau)
Purpose: A school-based program adopting the multitiered concept of Response to Intervention model was developed to improve schools' treatment of gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome. We implemented the program in three elementary schools and analyzed its practicability. Methods: The operation and model development of schoolbased multitiered interventions and services were analyzed using data comprising programrelated documents, survey questionnaires, and individual interviews. Results/Findings: We developed three models according to the needs of the students based on their strengths and weaknesses, special education class types, and intervention tiers, including the intervention service model of dual-type three tiers, single-type three tiers, and single-type two tiers. The first tier focused on the general education teachers' adjustment of general education classroom management and modification of the curriculum for the advantage of gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome. In the second tier, homogeneous interest expertise groups was adopted to intervene with specific goals for focused on the students' strengths in compensation on their weaknesses. This may be conducted through general education classes, gifted education classes, or resource rooms that offer enrichment curriculum with specialty and counseling with small groups. The third tier comprised individual or smallgroup programs that could be developed by gifted education teachers or teachers with similar expertise and was suitable to the advantages of the gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome. A cyclic process was conducted in the following order: assessment of students' strengths and weaknesses, team organizing, preintervention meetings, intervention implementation, and review and correction—all to develop the potential strengths of gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome. Our school-based program of multitiered intervention and service had the following positive effects: the school-based teams identified with the program and were willing to continue promoting the program's operation| teachers' habitual thinking and teaching orientation of remedying students' weaknesses were changed| the gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome could be assisted in developing positive self-concept and increasing learning motivation and social skills| peers' attitude toward getting along with gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome was affected and the interpersonal distance was shortened| parent-child interaction opportunities increased| and parent–teacher communication improved. However, the following limitation were noted: lack of interdisciplinary competency of teachers, difficulties in controlling the course to suit students' strengths and weaknesses, difficulties in determining the tiered orders and indicators, excessively heavy manpower burden, insufficient time to cooperate, and difficulties in suitably matching intervention times and homogenous small groups. Conclusions/Implications: In this study, we presented response strategies for resolving operating obstacles and the application of results. Moreover, suggestions were provided for future studies. Our results may aid in increasing the opportunity for gifted students with autism spectrum syndrome for using school-based multitiered interventions and services.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 介入反應模式多階層介入服務模式自閉症資優生校本方案gifted student with autism spectrum syndromemulti-tiered intervention and service modelResponse to Intervention modelschool-based program
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 202007 (45:2期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 一位極重度高職自閉症學生前兆固著行為功能分析與介入成效之初探




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