中文摘要 |
政治知識是影響政治參與的重要因素,當民眾擁有越高的政治知識,就越有可能參與政治活動。然而,政治知識有不同的面向,政治參與也有不同的類型,同一個面向的政治知識對於不同類型的政治參與的影響都一樣嗎?不同面向的政治知識對於同一種類型的政治參與是否會產生不同的影響?這個謎團少有學者回答,也是本文想要探討的問題。本文將政治知識區分為三個面向:人物、制度及政策與議題|再將政治參與區分為投票、競選相關活動以及非常態性參與(陳情請願、靜坐抗議、示威遊行等)等三種類型。本文根據過去文獻以及理論推演建立三個研究假說(hypotheses):第一,在投票參與中,人物面向的政治知識有較高的影響力。第二,在競選相關活動的參與中,制度面向的政治知識有較高的影響力。第三,在非常態性政治參與中,政策與議題面向的政治知識有較高的影響力。本文作者在2016年總統大選後進行電話問卷調查,資料分析結果顯示:第一,三個面向對於投票參與皆無影響力。第二,人物面向、制度面向以及政策與議題面向都會影響競選相關活動的參與,其中以制度面向的影響力最大。第三,制度面向以及政策與議題面向都會影響非常態性政治參與,但以制度面向的影響力較大。總結而言,不同面向的政治知識在不同類型的政治參與中,確實會產生效果各異的影響。 Political knowledge is an important factor influencing political participation. When people have higher political knowledge, they are more likely to participate in political activities. However, political knowledge has different dimensions, and political participation also has different types. Does the same dimension of political knowledge have the same influence on different types of political participation? Do different dimensions of political knowledge have different effects on the same type of political participation? Few scholars have answered these questions so far. This paper distinguishes between three dimensions of political knowledge: people, institutions, and policies and issues. Political participation is also classified into three categories: voting, election-related activities, and unconventional participation (deliberate petitions, sit-in protests, or demonstrations). Based on the literature and theoretical deductions, this paper develops three hypotheses. First, in voting participation, knowledge of politicians has a higher influence. Second, in the participation of election-related activities, knowledge of institutions has a higher influence. Third, in unconventional political participation, knowledge of policies and issues has a higher influence. This paper analyzes data collected from a telephone survey conducted after the Taiwanese 2016 presidential election. The results show that, first, none of the dimensions of political knowledge have influence on voting participation. Second, all three of the dimensions affect the participation of campaign-related activities. Among them, the institution dimension has the greatest influence. Third, the institution dimension and the policy dimension both have influence on unconventional political participation, with the former being greater. To sum up, different dimensions of political knowledge do have different effects on each type of political participation. |