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Decision Criterion to Evaluate the Effect of Capacity Saving of A Single Machine with Uncertain Job Arrivals
Decision Criterion to Evaluate the Effect of Capacity Saving of A Single Machine with Uncertain Job Arrivals
作者 Ching-Kuei KaoPei-Ying Chuang
A single finite-capacity machine that can process several product types requires a set-up that is capable of allowing adjustments in machine settings to complete a particular job. The family-based scheduling rule (FSR) can be used to improve performance by reducing the set-ups resulting from hard-pressed capacity. However, the waiting time of jobs on queue increases and fluctuates, so the mean and variance of the flow time of jobs also increase. In this study, a decision criterion to evaluate the effects of capacity saving is developed through a change in the considered dispatching rule from the first in first out (FIFO) rule to FSR. This decision criterion can be used to determine in which condition the set-up time can be significantly saved through a replacement of FIFO with FSR and thus help in making a choice between FIFO and FSR.
起訖頁 41-50
關鍵詞 setup timecapacity savingfirst in first outfamily-based scheduling rule
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201406 (10:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 旅館業知識分享與組織學習的影響
該期刊-下一篇 食品專利侵權迴避技術之研究──以新型專利「M427791具有乳酸菌之內餡與麵皮的組合體」為例




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