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Investigating Asymmetrical Causal Relationship among Stock Price, Exchange Rate, Foreign Capital Ratio and House Price-the Case of Taiwan
作者 翁逸群徐曉梅
This study investigates stock price index, exchange rates, foreign capital and house prices index of asymmetrical causal relationship. Price index, home price and the exchange rate were distinguished between rising and falling. Also, as foreign capital for the effect in Taiwan financial market can not be ignored, it also will join the foreign capital variable. This frequency analysis based on daily data, ADF root test, co-integration test, and asymmetrical Granger causal relationship test, to explore the purpose of this article. The empirical results show: in the short term, exchange rate on stock price indice, the foreign capital ratio and house price index are with asymmetrical causal relationship and exchange rates on stock price index is positive causal relationship thatis: exchange rate appreciation would affect the stock price index, the exchange rate decline will not affect the stock price index. Foreign capital ratio would affect the exchange rate, will also affect the stock price index but it will not affect the house price index. Stock price index decline can affect home prices index; price index rising will affect exchange rates, foreign capital ratio and stock price index. The above conclusions show: stock price index, exchange rate and house price index, have asymmetrical causal relationship.
起訖頁 14-31
關鍵詞 ADF單根檢定共整合檢定不對稱Granger因果關係非線性向量誤差修正模型ADF root testco-integration testasymmetric Granger causality relationshipnonlinear vector error correction model
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201406 (10:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 創意產品歷史成交價格軌跡對動態需求函數形成模型之研究
該期刊-下一篇 旅館業知識分享與組織學習的影響




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