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Changes the Firm's Core Competences from OEM to OBM-Case Study of FPG International Co., Ltd
作者 吳文宗詹家和嚴惠慈
Taiwanese enterpriseshave beenvery proud of their OEM business. However, their leading position on OEM business has been gradually replaced by Chinese enterprises. In order to maintain everlasting business, Taiwanese enterprises begin to change their business mode from OEM business to creating their own brand names. They are facing a lot of challenges during the change of business mode. FPGInteration Co. Ltd. is a typicalgarment OEM company. Their orders are mainly from Europe and US market. Facing the competition from Chinese factories, FPG-Style can barelyto get big and stable orders from buyers. To break through the difficult business position, the management team of FPG-Style makes good use of its ownexisting resource to change its business mode and use the internetplatform to create its on-line business. In this research, we will analysis how FPG-Style uses itslimited resource to change its business mode from OEM to OBM, and how to gain their core competence successfully. From this study, we found that how to build the core competences from the resources of the enterprise are more important in OEM business which includes the culture elements. The value-chain from the main stream of procurement to sub-stream of FPG-Style structures should be researched. The research found the successful key factors are improving their physical and know-how resources from its management and marketing abilities in OEM-OBM enterprises. This study report is a reference for the manufacturers who want to change the business mode from OEM to OBM.
起訖頁 39-49
關鍵詞 永續經營資源基礎核心能力代工自有品牌Everlasting businessResource Based viewCore power studyOEMOBM
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201306 (9:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 線上購物網站網路社群經營關鍵成功因素之多重個案研究──以Facebook粉絲頁為例
該期刊-下一篇 桃園縣中壢市女大學生購買行為模式──以粉餅為例




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