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The Talent Training and Curriculum Planning of Taiwan Medical Tourism Industry
作者 葛建培邱秀娟吳信萍
Medical industry in Taiwan is equipped with world-class hardware and software infrastructure, core technology, sophisticated treatment, modalities high-quality healthcare and reasonable costs. Besides, medical schools have long been the first preference of many top students, which leads to a wealth of professional talents in this field. The energy accumulated in decades is our greatest asset, and has become the advantage of our medical industry. Taiwan government has embarked on the layout to the development of medical tourism and will be more active in a cross-ministry approach to proceed with ”international medical services of flagship project” and to internationalize Taiwan's medical services. In this project, medical tourism is of the most critical.The study on the functional capability of the medical tourism industry is mainly focuses on collection of the literatures, in-depth interviews, and group discuss with experts who are engaged in the tourism-related medical institutions and organizations. The results are further analysed and explained. Taiwan's medical services have reached international standards, but there are still rooms for improvement in the field of medical tourism, talent training and curriculum planning. The aim of this study is to plan an initial prototype of the course of medical tourism industry, which will be used as a reference by the academia and industry to serve as the base for future training and license development of the tourism- medical expertise.
起訖頁 80-96
關鍵詞 觀光醫療人才培育課程規劃medical tourismtalent trainingcurriculum planning
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201212 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 高階主管知識領導、組織學習文化與組織創新能力關係模式之研究──以台灣文化創意產業為實證
該期刊-下一篇 六標準差結構性探討與未來研究之意涵




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