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Dynamic Evaluation of Graphics and Music Videos Stimulation Using Wireless Fronto-polar EEG Measurement
Dynamic Evaluation of Graphics and Music Videos Stimulation Using Wireless Fronto-polar EEG Measurement
作者 Yi-Yeh LeeAaron Raymond SeeShih-Chung ChenChih-Kuo Liang
The current research measured resting EEG before, during and after watching a series of print graphics or affective music videos to study its effects on fronto-polar EEG. Data were recorded and analyzed by using a wireless EEG module with digital results sent via Bluetooth to a remote computer for further analysis. The power of the EEG harmonics and several indices were then calculated for analysis. The current research utilized fronto-polar EEG to produce results that were mostly measured at the frontal lobe previously. Results showed that fronto-polar EEG manifested minimal changes in EEG power harmonic in each part of the experiment but a stronger inclination to a right hemisphere asymmetry was exhibited after watching the video or print graphics. In addition, engagement index also showed that post measurements reveal subjects being less engaged compared to the baseline measurement. Finally, the fronto-polar EEG demonstrated that even though affective videos triggered a dominant right asymmetry, it was also able to provide relaxation to the subjects. In the future, a more convenient and accurate form of satisfaction evaluation system for multimedia products is able to be developed through the utilization of a convenient fronto-polar EEG device.
起訖頁 1-11
關鍵詞 Fronto-polar EEGPrint GraphicsMusic VediosAudio-Video StimulationEngagement index
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 201212 (8:2期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-下一篇 金門居民觀光發展認知及參與態度之研究




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