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作者 黃偉揚張其洲張嘉六
In this study, a survey taken by law, to understand the development of mainland China the status of crowd sports, and in accordance with the questionnaire designed by the expert validity, the formation of a formal questionnaire, public and private venues for the mainland exercise instructors, venue staff, coaches, volunteers and members of local sports survey and other groups, and access to the following conclusions: First, the degree of implementation of policies and the implementation of the universal implementation of policies should be strict monitoring and evaluation. Second, crowd sports and the policy should be updated with the local people in remote areas of sports development programs. Third, policies should be amended model ”bottom-up” mode, only the central authorities to take responsibility for the supervision and assistance. Fourth, the development of the central authorities should be made clear ”contract responsibility system venues and regulations”, ”ethnic minorities in remote areas of sports law and the Bill Show,” ”standards of fitness facilities and equipment standardization,” ”campaign management fitness cards” and other norms. Fifth, to strengthen the school open space, local venues and opening up to assume the cost of personnel management. Sixth, the implementation of ”farmers fitness plan”, the development of the non-Olympic sports and traditional folk project, emphasis on traditional folk sports, for the National Traditional Ethnic Minority Sports Meet, the implementation of carbon projects and snow sports activities in three rural areas. Seven, betting more money to build a small community and township stadium to increase the movement of space. Eight mainland sports lottery scandal, the lack of government procurement system, the actual situation in the mainland should be in accordance with the allocation of funds do a good job in management, the State Sports General Administration should be a comprehensive review to find out a model of financial management, sound management and oversight mechanisms.
起訖頁 43-54
關鍵詞 大陸群眾運動全民運動政策Crowd sportsCivil sports policy
刊名 創新研發學刊  
期數 200906 (5:1期)
出版單位 中華創新研發學會
該期刊-上一篇 熱門音樂活動參與者參與涉入、體驗與行為意圖之相關研究
該期刊-下一篇 高中女子桌球運動員專項體能及年度訓練計畫




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