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Affecting Taiwanese People's Attitude Through Their Eyes: A Descriptive Analysis of the Control of Film During Japanese Colonial Rule Between 1931 and 1945
作者 李道明
The last fifteen years of the Japanese colonial rule over Taiwan between 1931 and 1945 is often referred to as the ''Fifteen Years War.'' This article discusses how the Japanese colonial government utilized motion pictures as a tool for edification and enlightenment in various stages during this period. They propagated policies and political slogans such as ''Assimilation,'' ''Imperialization,'' ''General Mobilization of the National Spirit,'' ''Selfless Devotion,'' and ''Patriotic and Loyal to the Emperor.'' Notwithstanding the fact that changes in policies and international relations following the appointment of each new governor-general, such use of motion pictures was continued by the colonial government to influence the population, including local Taiwanese, Chinese in South China, and Overseas Chinese in Southeast Asia. The colonial government intended to instill the Japanese national spirit and national consciousness into the minds of the Taiwanese people. To achieve such a goal, in or around 1930, ''film league organizations'' or ''film associations'' were created by each local government in Taiwan. These organizations, and the''Taiwan Film Association'' created out of these organizations in 1941, would later be charged with the responsibilities of ''fostering the national spirit and evoking good folk customs'' during the imperialization movement. Taiwan Film Association was also responsible for promoting the ''successful'' experience of the colonial rule in Taiwan by Japan to people living in Southern China and Southeast Asia.
起訖頁 17-59
關鍵詞 南進政策皇民化教化統制殖民統治電影臺灣電影協會southern advance policyimperializationedificationcontrolcolonial rulemotion pictures (film)Taiwan Film Association
刊名 清華藝術學報  
期數 201907 (1期)
出版單位 國立清華大學藝術學院  
該期刊-上一篇 科技劇場的沉浸式體感經驗美學
該期刊-下一篇 創造力演進線形與領域相關技能之性質和層級研究──以陶藝拉坯造形為例




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