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Identifying Argument Components in Online Debates through Directed Graph and Argument-oriented Summarization
作者 魏奇安高宏宇
Identifying argument components has become an important area of research in argument mining. When argument components are identified, they can not only be used for stance classification but also can provide reasons for determining an article is supporting or opposing about a specific target. Previous research mainly used text classification and summarization techniques to solve this task. However, by transforming the task to a classification problem, not only rely heavily on choosing and using bag-of-words features, but also lose the article entity information due to extract the sentences out of the article and treat as an individual training instance. In the other hand, although summarization techniques handle on entire article and try to figure out which sentence can best represent the core concept of the article, in identifying argument components still heavily relies on bag-of-words feature representation and lack of argument-oriented features to concern about argument components characteristics. In our study, we dive down to the core of the summarization method, not only makes it based on argument strength to summarize articles and identify argument components, but also proposed a directed graph construction approach. Experiments show that our proposed method outperforms 8% better than those without argument-oriented methods.
起訖頁 378-387
關鍵詞 辯論語意挖掘辨識論點自動化摘要有向圖Argument MiningArgument ComponentsSummarizationDirected Graph
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2019 (2019期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用文脈分析於中英夾雜語音合成系統
該期刊-下一篇 利用Attentive來改善端對端中文語篇剖析遞迴類神經網路系統




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