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Speech enhancement based on the integration of fully convolutional network, temporal lowpass filtering and spectrogram masking
Speech enhancement based on the integration of fully convolutional network, temporal lowpass filtering and spectrogram masking
作者 Kuan-Yi Liu (Kuan-Yi Liu)Syu-Siang Wang (Syu-Siang Wang)Yu Tsao (Yu Tsao)Jeih-Weih Hung (Jeih-Weih Hung)
In this study, we focus on the issue of noise distortion in speech signals, and develop two novel unsupervised speech enhancement algorithms including temporal lowpass filtering (TLP) and relative-to-maximum masking (RMM). Both of these two algorithms are conducted on the magnitude spectrogram of speech signals. TLP uses a simple moving-average filter to emphasize the low modulation frequencies of speech signals, which are believed to contain richer linguistic information and exhibit higher signal-to-noise ratios (SNR). Comparatively, in RMM we apply a mask that is directly multiplied with the speech spectrogram in a pointwise manner, and the used masking value is directly proportional to the magnitude of each temporal-frequency (T-F) point in the spectrogram. The preliminary experiments conducted on a subset of TIMIT database show that the two novel methods can promote the quality of noisecorrupted speech signals significantly, and both of them can be integrated with a well-known supervised speech enhancement scenario, namely fully convolutional network, to achieve even better perceptual speech quality values.
起訖頁 226-240
關鍵詞 temporal lowpass filteringrelative-to-maximum maskingmoving-average filterspeech enhancement
刊名 ROCLING論文集  
期數 2019 (2019期)
出版單位 中華民國計算語言學學會
該期刊-上一篇 使用生成對抗網路於強健式自動語音辨識的應用
該期刊-下一篇 MONPA:中文命名實體及斷詞與詞性同步標註系統




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