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以 ISSR 法進行臺灣地區愛玉子演化分析
Phylogenic Study of Jelly Fig (Ficus awakeotsang) in Taiwan Based on Inter-simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Analysis
作者 盧美君林孟均
愛玉子為臺灣特有種,雌雄異株,雌株種子內富含果膠,於水中搓揉可形成愛玉凍,雄株果實則與愛玉榕小蜂(Wiebesia pumilar (Hill) Wieb)共生,擔任愛玉子授粉之重要角色。本研究為臺灣地區愛玉子族群遺傳演化的第1篇報告,利用簡單序列重複區間法(inter-simple sequence repeat, ISSR),分析採集來自臺灣各地之愛玉子36種雌品系及35種雄品系,由100個UBC引子中篩選出19個具多型性及再現性的有效引子進行聚合酶連鎖反應,分析其遺傳相似度,並以UPGMA(Unweighted paired-group method using arithmetic means)群叢分析(cluster analysis)繪製愛玉子親緣關係樹狀圖。結果顯示19個引子在71個愛玉子品系中擴增條帶數介於4—22條之間,總計擴增出214個條帶,其中具多型性的總條帶計132條,個別引子的多形性條帶比例在38—85%之間。雌株間遺傳相似度介於0.725—0.990之間,雄株介於0.757—0.984之間,雌株與外群薜荔間遺傳相似度介於0.672—0.757之間,雄株則介於0.666—0.725之間。親緣關係樹狀圖分析顯示愛玉子雌品系可分為4群,雄品系可分為2群,雄品系在整合親緣關係樹狀圖中,群聚於雌品系的第1群中,愛玉子雌雄株在演化上存在著遺傳區隔。
Jelly fig (Ficus awkeotsang Makino) was a native, dioecious species in Taiwan. The seeds of female fruits are enriched in pectin, which is formed into jelly after rubbing in water. The male fruit is symbiosis with wasp (Wiebesia pumilar (Hill) Wieb), playing the role as pollinator of jelly fig. This is the first report for phylogenetic study of jelly fig population in Taiwan. We performed the inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis of 71 clones (36 female clones and 35 male clones), which were collected from different regions of Taiwan. The polymerase chain reactions were performed with 19 UBC primers, screened from 100 UBC primers, and were combined with DNA template of 71 jelly fig clones. The amplified bands were 4-22 for each primers, and 132 bands out of 214 bands in total (38- 85% for each primers) possessed polymorphism. The polymorphism bands performed cluster analysis using UPGMA (Unweighted paired-group method using arithmetic means) method. The genetic similarity among 36 female clones was 0.725-0.990, and among 35 male clones 0.757-0.984. The genetic similarity between jelly fig and Ficus pumila was 0.672-0.757 in female clones and 0.666-0.725 in male clones. The phylogenetic tree comprised of 4 groups in female clones and 2 groups in male clones. Jelly fig varieties " Miaoli No1" and "Miaoli No2" were located in group II and group III in female phylogenetic tree, respectively. Nevertheless, the male clones tended to cluster together in phylogenetic tree of 71 clones, and located insertion in the group I of female clones. It revealed that the genetic partition existed between male and female clones of jelly fig
起訖頁 195-204
關鍵詞 親緣關係樹狀圖雌雄異株遺傳相似度薜荔phylogenetic treedioeciousgenetic similarityFicus pumila
刊名 臺灣園藝  
期數 201912 (65:4期)
出版單位 臺灣園藝學會(原:中國園藝學會)
該期刊-上一篇 花期不同階段施用氯砒脲(Forchlorfenuron, CPPU)對‘ 富貴紅 ’紅龍果 (Hylocereus polyrhizus sp.)果實品質之影響
該期刊-下一篇 遮光程度對粗肋草‘極光’和‘亞曼尼’植株生育及葉斑表現之影響




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