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Comparison of soil seed bank compositions between patch cutting of a Chinese fir plantation and nearby forests in HuiSun Forest Station
作者 張芷寧王偉林嘉言曾彥學 (Yen-Hsueh Tseng)邱清安林志銓曾喜育
Comparison of compositions of the soil seed bank between patch cutting of a Chinese fir plantation and nearby forests was conducted in Hui-Sun Forest Station. The size of vegetation plots was 15×15 m2 ; 5 replicates of each forest type were sampled, and each plot was then divided into 9 subplots of 5×5 m2 . A 15×15 cm2 sampled area of the soil seed bank was randomly obtained from the central subplot, and soil samples were obtained from the humus layer and the soil layers at depths of 0-5, 5-10, 10-15, and 15- 20 cm. Investigation of aboveground vegetation revealed 102 vascular plants, belonging to 74 genera and 49 families. Blastus cochinchinensis, Diplazium dilatatum, Lasianthus fordii, Calamus quiquesetinervius, and Cyathea podophylla were codominant species in 3 communities. Among them, L. fordii and Cal. quiquesetinervius occupied less area in patch cutting of the Chinese fir plantation, and Cya. podophylla occupied less area in the secondary forest. Four hundred seedlings belonging to 31 species, 31 genera, and 19 families, were found in the soil seed bank. The following species occupied approximately 60% of the total seed quantity in the soil seed bank and were thus ranked the top 3 quantities in the soil seed bank: Buddleja asiatica, Morinda umbellata, and Melastoma septemnervium. The secondary forest had the highest seed density (1,760.0 seeds/m²), followed by patch cutting of the Chinese fir plantation (1,422.2 seeds/m²) and the Chinese fir plantation (373.3 seeds/m²). Seeds were mainly found at 0~5 cm depth soil in the soil seed bank, accounting for 41% of the total seed quantity. According to detrended correspondence analysis, understory compositions of the 3 communities could be divided into 3 groups, but such division was not applicable to the soil seed banks. Sørensen similarity index showed that the common compositions between soil seed bank and aboveground vegetation was extremely low. The results indicated that despite the abundance of brushwood and shade-tolerant plants in patch cutting area, their seed quantity was low in the soil seed bank; thus, these plants had not participated in the succession and regeneration of the habitat after disturbance within a short time of patch cutting of the Chinese fir plantation.
起訖頁 177-190
關鍵詞 土壤種子庫區塊伐人工林演替惠蓀林場soil seed bankpatch cuttingplantationsuccessionHui-Sun Forest Station
刊名 林業研究季刊  
期數 201909 (41:3期)
出版單位 國立中興大學農業暨自然資源學院實驗林管理處
該期刊-下一篇 不同合成法酚醛樹脂製作碳材料之孔隙特性




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