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Study on Use and Satisfaction of Public Library Young Adults Space after Ministry of Education Space Reconstruction
作者 王梅玲江宜蓁
The Ministry of Education recently has subsidized public library reform plans for reading space, and many libraries have improved the reading space for young people. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether young people are satisfied with the public library's space reconstruction. The objectives of the article are: (1) to explore the youth's need for library space; (2) to explore the current situation of youth's use of library young adults' space; (3) to discuss the importance and satisfaction of youths using library youth space. This study used a questionnaire survey to investigate the current status and satisfaction of the young adult's space for the National Taiwan Library, National Public Information Library, New Taipei City Youth Library and Puli Township Library. This study constructs young adults' space satisfaction measurement scale, including four dimensions and 28 indicators. This paper conducted a survey of young readers in four libraries in 2017, and received 322 valid questionnaires. The article has shown that teens love reading novels, comics, and periodicals; their favorite information topics are leisure and entertainment, pop culture, and travel. Respondents were generally satisfied with the renovation of the four public libraries, and regarded great importance to the satisfaction of young adults' space, quiet reading and learning, adequate lighting and safe places, clean and comfortable, easy to find book with display methods, and the type and quantity of collection to meet their needs. Respondents' most satisfied with safe places and timely assistance from librarians. Respondents were dissatisfied with the entertainment programs and dietary needs provided by the youth space, as well as the artistic exhibits display. Respondents suggested that there is an urgent need to improve the way books are displayed for young people.
起訖頁 31-58
關鍵詞 公共圖書館青少年空間空間改造圖書館空間滿意度Public LibraryYoung Adult SpaceSpace ReconstructionLibrary Space Satisfaction
刊名 國家圖書館館刊  
期數 202006 (2020:1期)
出版單位 國家圖書館
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