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Preliminary Exploration of Gospel Detoxification Development Regarding Four Districts of Cross-Straits
作者 高明瑞林美專
We intend to outline the situations of Christianity involving in Gospel or other kind of detoxification among four districts of Cross-Straits including Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, establish a list of Taiwan gospel detoxification organizations, and discuss future development of Taiwan Gospel detoxification based on the historial track. We have several research strategies: literatures reviewing, finding related gospel detoxification organizations by snowball introducing, telephone interviewing, using communication software such as line and wechat to ask persons who are in Chinese mainland, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to identify the related information. Our conclusions are as follows : 1. Opium quitting through missionaries is the origin of Gospel detoxification。2. There are four stages of Gospel detoxification including (1) The first stage(1830-1860) : It was the date of sprouting primarily coming from the external force, particually the social adovacy and the medical mission of detoxification from Britain and America, (2) The second stage(1861-1950) : It was the fumble period primarily coming from the local force, particually the recovering substance abusers and local churches, (3) The third stage (1951-1990) : It was the initial development period primarily coming from Hong Kong Operation Dawn which initially defined Gospel detoxification and established service models, (4) The fourth stage(since1991 ) : It was the booming period primarily coming from Taiwan Operation Dawn and its recovering substance abusers they have promoted the model of Gospel detoxification to other countries including America, Canada, India, Myanmar, Thailand, Chinese mainland and Britain。3. The model of Gospel detoxification presents a issue of spirituality which brings the existing model of addition treatment a new angle of vision. Finally, we also discussed the factors and attitudes of addition, the period and stage of detoxification, detoxification fee, talent appointment, the model of Gospel detoxification and concrete outcome amomg four districts of Cross-Straits.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 兩岸四地宗教戒毒基督教福音戒毒過來人PAMfour districts of Cross-StraitsFaith-based detoxificationGospel detoxificationrecovering substance abusersPAM
刊名 公共事務評論  
期數 202005 (18:2期)
出版單位 中華公共事務管理學會
該期刊-下一篇 職權式卡其領性犯罪之實證研究




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