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The Foundation of the Wang Yang-Ming's Ritual Thought
作者 陳儀
The purpose of this paper is to explain how Wang Yang-Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites can be considered useful to establish a stable social system and promote harmony in human relationship. To answer this question, this paper indicated the main difficulties of Wang Yang-Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites in modern society by re-examining the negative development of the Yang-Ming school and analyzing the development of the concept of the rule of the rites in Confucianism. After gaining better understanding the concept of the rule of the rites, this paper attempted to discuss Wang Yang-Ming's moral philosophy in three aspects, which includes classics reading, character cultivation and great man practicing for helping Wang Yang-Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites avoid difficulties. This paper also illustrated a kind of life virtue education as a foundation of Wang Yang-Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites. Through the revealing of the foundation of doctrine of rule of the rites, it shows that Wang Yang-Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites can achieve the goal of social harmony without fail by the following three methods: First, by sincere feeling, which offers the root cause of ethics that is based on the basic human relations; Second, by moral reflection, which transform objective norms into interior moral principles; Third, by interpersonal sympathy, which create harmony goals and establish an ideal society ruled by rites and propriety. Although Wang Yang- Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites suffered from critique regarding its emphasizing of the necessity of Liang-Chih and ignoring of the importance of knowledge excessively, the findings of the research have led to the conclusion that Wang Yang-Ming's doctrine of rule of the rites is helpful to connect the inner morality with the external world and develop the society ruled by rites and propriety without moral subjectivism problem by laying the foundation of the life virtue education.
起訖頁 51-94
關鍵詞 陽明學禮治德性教育 Yang-Ming's DoctrineRule of the RitesVirtue Education
刊名 思與言  
期數 201906 (57:2期)
出版單位 思與言雜誌社
該期刊-上一篇 義務論與德行倫理學對比分析下的朱子心統性情說
該期刊-下一篇 文字者,國家之精神:清末西學浪潮下漢語之提倡及變革論述




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